Saudade Drums Remastered
Rescue, clean-up and touch-up of my favorite drum library from 2016. Saudade Metal Drums was created by Unwavering Studios (Jona de Haro of now disbanded Vultures Overhead) and released as a free Kontakt instrument library.
This is not only a port of that demo; the original samples have been cleaned of any white noise and drum bleed, just in case you wanted to process them MORE! I also programmed sfz instruments for each patch, expanding the pitch range and utility of the instruments!
Does not come with Cymbals, but I have a library for that.
Saudade Drums for Kontakt & Sforzando
DW PDP Mainstage Kit
~$800 for a physical kit
No Cymbals
- minus a few $100s for a Paiste set that comes factory with the physical kit
63.7 MB
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